The balsa wood is
familiar to the builders of models,since the balsa wood is widely used in making
models of airplanes, rockets or other vehicles. The builders are always worry
about cracks or gaps during or after building. But the balsa wood is easy to
work with, because of its lightness and strongness, the builders of models can
repair the gaps or cracks of the balsa wood by themselves if they know how to
do. This article is about how to fix balsa wood. If you want to learn the
method, several tools should be supplied first: newspaper, balsa wood model,
ruler, yellow carpenter's glue, X-Acto knife, balsa wood sheets, fine-grit
sandpaper, cloth, yellow wood glue, masking tape, medium-grit sandpaper,
lightweight spackle and putty knife.
Steps 1
In order to protect your table from any dripped glue when you are using
yellow wood glue, you need to lay a piece of newspaper down on your working
surface. Use the ruler measure the length and width of the crack or gap in your
balsa wood model. According the size of the crack or gap on your model that has
been measured, use a craft knife to cut a thin repair strip from an extra balsa
wood sheet.
Step 2
Check if the balsa strip which is cut from the other balsa wood is suitable
for the crack or gap. Use fine-grit sandpaper to sand the repair strip lightly
until it is suitable for the crack or gap. Use a clean cloth to clean all
sanding dust away from the repair strip after sanding the strip. Glue the repair
strip to the crack or gap of the models with a thin bead of yellow wood glue.
Use a clean cloth to wipe the excess glue from the model. Use the masking tape
to hold the repair tight. Wait about one hour to allow the repair to dry.
Step 3
Finally, the balsa wood model is nearly to be fixed up. Use a medium-grit
sandpaper to sand any ridges of dried glue away after removing the masking tape.
Hold the repair up to the light and examine the repair for any remaining dents
or imperfections. If there are still some dents or imperfections, sand them away
with the medium-grit sandpaper.