
balsa model airplanes of all types

Now to know more about balsa wood. Although hand-made airplane-like (or bird-like) flying toys appeared in the 1800's, it's unclear exactly when company-made RTF toy airplanes first became available. Some model airplane kits reportedly appeared as early as 1910. 1911 issues of "Aircraft" magazine (about "real" airplanes) had numerous ads from several manufacturers for model airplanes in kit and RTF form. Most of these were expensive to buy. In a time when $20-25 per week was a really good, working-class salary, the Ideal Model Aeroplane Co. (which became the Ideal Toy Co.) advertised airplane kits for $4-6. RTF versions sold for as much as $20. Most of the Ideal RTF airplanes were "factory built" examples of their kit aircraft.
From 1914-20, Ideal offered wood and fiber board RTF gliders for 45 cents. Though not inexpensive by any means, these can probably be considered some of the fore-runners of our "toy" airplanes.
In the 1920's and 30's, balsa wood became more readily available and the number of simple RTF toy gliders increased. Certainly the Charles Lindbergh phenomenon also boosted sales of toy and model airplanes of all types. However, most were still only available from hobby shops, finer toy stores or through mail order. Many of the companies that would become household names in the toy and model airplane world … American Junior aircraft, the Paul K Guillow Co., the Cleveland Model & Supply Co., the Testor Corporation and Comet Model Airplane & Supply Co. … all had their beginnings in this period.
During World War 2, balsa wood was considered to be a "strategic material", so toy airplane production was reduced dramatically. However, AJ aircraft founder Jim Walker cleverly developed a launching platform for his folding wing balsa gliders. This provided the Army with a quick and effective system for gunnery practice. As a result, AJ aircraft received significant supplies of balsa and over 120,000 Walker gliders met their doom for the war effort.The reklated article go to http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Is Balsa the lightest wood in the world?

By this article to more about the balsa wood. Finished balsa wood, like you find in model airplane kits, varies widely in weight. Balsa is occasionally found weighing as little as 4 lbs. per cu. ft. On the other hand, you can also find balsa which will weigh 24 lbs or more per cu. ft. However, the general run of commercial balsa for model airplanes will weigh between 6 and 18 pounds per cu. ft. Eight to twelve pound balsa is considered medium or average weight, and is the most plentiful. oeicoqmb Six pound or less is considered "contest grade", which is very rare and sometimes even impossible to obtain.
Is Balsa the lightest wood in the world?
No! Most people are surprised to hear that botanically, balsa rectangle  is only about the third or fourth lightest wood in the world. However, all the woods which are lighter than balsa are terribly weak and unsuitable for any practical use. The very lightest varieties don't really resemble wood at all, as we commonly think of it, but are more like a tree-like vegetable that grows in rings, similar in texture to an onion. It is not until balsa is reached that there is any sign of real strength combined with lightness. In fact, balsa wood is often considered the strongest wood for its weight in the world. Pound for pound it is stronger in some respects than pine, hickory, or even oak. Refer to chart below for comparison.
About the Chart: Weight shown is in pounds per cubic foot. The strength of balsa varies in direct relation to its density or weight — the heavier the wood, the stronger it is. The above chart was designed with 10 lb/ft³ bass polywood as the median. In other words, balsa at 10 lb/ft³ has been tested and given a value of 100. The other woods were then tested in the same way and given a figure that is numerically in proportion. By comparing the relative strength figures in the chart, it will be seen that balsa is as strong or stronger, pound for pound, than most of the species shown.


create a Balsa Wood stucture by 10 steps

To create a balsa Wood bridge or other wood structures, use a SolidWorks Library Feature, a Solid Works 3D Sketch and SolidWorks Weldments,
Here are the steps, video and model files to create a Balsa Wood ta3zwdkv Structure:
1. Create a cross section sketch of your wood as save as a library feature. Create all the cross sections of different wood members. Save each section as a library feature into a single folder, example My Weldments>Balsa.
2. Copy your My Weldments folder to the SolidWorks>data>Weldment Profiles folder.
3. Click Insert, 3D Sketch. Create a 3D Sketch. Use the Tab key to change to the XY, YZ, and ZX plane.
4. Add relations and dimensions to the 3D Sketch. Exit the Sketch.
5. Right-click in on the top Command Manager and Select Weldments.,
6. From the Weldment Toolbar, select Weldment.
7. Select Structural Member. Select the My Weldments folder for standard and Balsa for type.
8. Select your cross section.
9. Select your 3D Sketch members.
10. Select your larger members first. Then create other structures for the smaller cross members. You can modify the start point and plane of the cross sections.
11. Use Trim to create corners and butt ends.If you want to know more about balsa sheet , you can go to our wesite right now.


How to design the perfect balsa wood glider

Now an article about designing balsa wood glider. Using the modeling knife, cut out the parts from the plan. Work carefully, taking multiple passes. The wood will cut or split easily along the grain and will be much more difficult to cut across the grain.
Sand the pieces into their final shape. Because the model is made from solid pieces of wood, rather than from a covered frame, most of the shaping of the structure will come from sanding. Start with the edges but avoid for now edges which will be glued together later (the inner edge of the two wing halves, the bottom of the vertical stabilizer and the places on the fuselage where the wing and horizontal stabilizer will be mounted). You can hold identical pieces, like the two halves of the wing, together as you sand so they maintain an identical shape. Once the edges are sanded, you can turn to the surfaces. Using medium grade sandpaper, sand the fuselage and the tail pieces until they are smooth to the touch.
Sand an airfoil into the wing. The airfoil of a wing, along with its angle of attack, is what provides the plane with "lift." The airfoil shape should make the wing rounded along the leading edge, widening toward the center and then tapering almost to a point at the trailing edge.
Sand the inner edge of each of the wings to an angle that will create "dihedral" nvktazrew when the two halves are glued together. The amount of dihedral should be marked on the plan and is measured as the distance each wingtip is from where it would be if the wing were perfectly flat. With the wing's leading edge facing away from you, prop up one half of the wing with a small block so the wingtip is at the proper height. Take a sanding block and place it vertically against the inner edge. Sand until the edge is perfectly flat and perpendicular to the work surface. Repeat with the other wing half.
Glue the two wing halves together. Using blocks under both wingtips to create the proper dihedral, apply a bead of glue to the inner edge of each of the wing halves. Press the two halves together. Remove the excess glue. Place a light weight on the wing near the center joint to hold it in place. Measure the dihedral again and make any necessary adjustments. Let the glue dry for a couple of hours
Assemble the plane. Pay special attention to the angle of the horizontal stabilizer relative to the angle of the wing (this is called wing incidence). Check your parts against the plan to be sure the proper angles are maintained as you build. If the wing incidence is incorrect the model will fly poorly. Let the glue dry for a couple of hours.
Balance the plane. Place a finger on the bottom of each wing half, roughly in the middle of the width of the wing. Balanced this way, the plane will tip toward the tail. Add modeling clay for weight on the nose of the plane until you achieve a level balance.
Test fly the plane. Holding the plane at shoulder height, with the nose angled slightly downward, gently push the plane as you release it into the air. Don't throw it or toss it. The glider should fly fairly straight on a nice smooth, steady path.
Trim for the perfect flight. If the plane dives out of your hand, remove some nose weight. If the plane flies sharply upward then stops (stalls) and flips downward into a dive, add more nose weight. If the plane veers sharply to the right or left, gently bend the back edge of the vertical stabilizer to compensate for the turn until the glider flies fairly straight.
Balsa can be purchased from most craft stores, but better quality and a wider selection of sizes will be available at a hobby shop.
For the longest possible flight, the plane can be thrown hard nearly vertically into the wind and then circle back to the ground. This type of flying requires special trimming.
Be patient while trimming the model and change only one thing at a time until it flies the way you want. By the way , we offer you large number of balsa rectangle ,you can take a look.


balsa rectangle hardwood

All know that balsa wood is different from the other wood, but how much do you know about this kind wood.Mahogany is an easy to work with type of hardwood. It is reddish brown in color and really expensive. lktjic2do Among its uses are expensive indoor furniture, bars, veneers, and shop fittings.
Teak, too, is a hardwood. It is also oily and golden brown in color. It is known for its high-resistance to moisture and outdoor weather. Teak hardwood is commonly used in manufacturing outdoor furniture, boat building, laboratory furniture, and equipment. But it can be used to make hardwood panels.
As mentioned at the outset, the Balsa is a hardwood, but not very hard. It is among the softest hardwood in the market. Its color ranges from gray to white, and has a distinct velvety feel. Moreover, it has impressive strength to weight. Besides model airplanes, balsa rectangle hardwood is also used in making model building or subdivision construction.
Hard Maple tree has its famous sap turned into syrup. While the sapwood color ranges from cream to reddish brown, the hardwood itself varies from light to dark brown with red highlights. Sometimes, it has fine grain. Other times, it has wavy grain. It is 15% harder than Oaks and is subject to a medium degree of changes in color such as creamy white to golden in time.
Hardwood panels can also be made from Red Oak, North America's most famous species for floorings. Its color is from pink to reddish brown, and it has a straight grain. It is hard and durable. Over time, it undergoes changes in color such as light amber of pink or tan to brown.
Rosewood is among the most beautiful hardwood species. It is preferred for decorative veneers, instruments, furniture, cabinets, and floors. Its color ranges from brown to deep purple with black highlights.
Beautiful and versatile-these are two characteristics of a Cherry wood. It is a fine-figured wood and has a straight grain. Its color varies from dark to reddish color as it ages. It is 25% softer than Oak.

Walnut, a dark and exclusive wood, is among the types used in making hardwood panels. Its color is from light brown to dark chocolate, and sometimes purple. It gains luster as it ages and has a straight graining. It is 20% softer than Oak.Buy the way the balsa round offered in our store are all with high quality and cheap price.

the quality of the balsa wood

balsa wood is a lightweight wood variety taken from trees of the same name that hail from the rainforests of Central America, South America, and a few other regions. The warm and humid conditions in these areas are ideal for the growth of this plant. Balsa trees grow quite rapidly - it usually takes less than a decade for a tree to be mature enough for cutting. However, once past the ten-year marker, an unharvested tree would harden on the outside and rot inside, rendering it a useless piece.
Initially, balsa wood was only taken from the forests. But due to wide consumer interests and the profitability of the industry, farmers have begun their own plantations. Ecuador is largely responsible for the world supply of the wood, followed by suppliers from India, Indonesia and the Caribbean.
Attributes of Balsa
In spite of its light weight, balsa wood has incredible strength. In fact, among all the lightweight wood varieties, balsa is considered to be the strongest. This is because each cell of the tree is naturally infused with water that makes it rigid enough to withstand the jungle setting. However, vpthaumrg when pooled together with the rest of the wood varieties, balsa is only third or fourth in the strength category.
There are different grains of balsa wood, and each has attributes of its own. A-grain balsa lumber is the most flexible type. When immersed in water, it can easily be manipulated into the required forms and shapes. On the other hand, A-grain balsa changes very easily, affecting its life span. Balsa of the B-grain variety is the most readily available kind. This is the ideal type because B-grain balsa can be used for numerous purposes. Lastly, there is the C-grain balsa which can easily be recognized through the evident grain line patterns. Among the three grain types, C-grain balsa is the most brittle and warp-resistant.
Common Uses for Balsa
Balsa wood was first used during World War I as a substitute for cork. During this period, life rafts and armor plates were constructed of balsa. In World War II, balsa use was upgraded for the making of airplanes. It became the primary material for the famous British de Havilland Mosquito combat airplane.
Apart from being lightweight and durable, balsa wood also has the ability to float, which makes it an ideal material for surfboards and other water sports equipment. Another popular use for balsa lumber is model kits, usually that of airplanes. Again, because the material is light, model airplanes constructed from balsa generally perform better than its other counterparts. Doll houses and the miniature furniture that accompany them are also routinely made out of balsa. The same is true for stage furniture and other props. The other parts of the balsa tree are used for insulation, stuffing, sound-absorption and packing.
How to Work with Balsa
Before hacking into the wood, one must have a clear plan as to what the end product would be. When manipulating balsa, it is important to be careful because, as said earlier, its price is quite high, so waste is something to avoid. Another thing to bear in mind is to choose the right type of balsa for a particular project. This will ensure the quality of the wood used for the endeavor.
In order to manipulate balsa wood for whatever purpose, the necessary tools should be on hand. While it is relatively soft and easy to carve and shape, using the proper equipment would make the job more accurate. In addition, the wood is also quite expensive, and the chances of improper handling are lessened with the right gadgets. No need for power tools or saws - for the most part, four or five precision knives are all that is needed. It is also more convenient to keep replacement blades around. Sanding blocks are also necessary tools to smooth out the wood.
The bottom line is that balsa wood is a great lightweight material of great strength that has many valuable uses and applications, it should be strongly considered when deciding upon your choice of wood. For more, the related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


hand-made balsa wood airoplane for you

 Although hand-made airoplane-like (or bird-like) flying toys appeared in the 1800’s, it’s unclear exactly when company-made RTF toy aeroplanes first became available. Some model aeroplane kits reportedly appeared as early as 1910. 1911 issues of “Aircraft” magazine (about “real” aeroplanes) had numerous ads from several manufacturers for model aeroplanes in kit and RTF form. Most of these were expensive to buy.
In a time when $20-25 per week was a really good, working-class salary, the Ideal Model Aeroplane Co. (which became the Ideal Toy Co.) advertised aeroplane kits for $4-6. RTF versions sold for as much as $20. Most of the Ideal RTF aeroplanes were “factory built” examples of their kit aircraft. From 1914-20, Ideal offered wood and fibre board RTF gliders for 45 cents. Though not inexpensive by any means, these can probably be considered some of the fore-runners of our “toy” aeroplanes In the 1920’s and 30’s, balsa  wood became more readily available and the number of simple
RTF toy gliders increased. Certainly the Charles Lindbergh phenomenon also boosted b1giodhxr sales of toy and model aeroplanes of all types. However, most were still only available from hobby shops, finer toy stores or through mail order. Many of the companies that would become household names in the toy and model aeroplane world … American Junior aircraft, the Paul K Guillow Co., the Cleveland Model & Supply Co., the Testor Corporation and Comet Model Aeroplane & Supply Co. … all had their beginnings in this period. During World War 2, balsa wood was considered to be a “strategic material”, so toy aeroplane production was reduced dramatically.
 However, AJ aircraft founder Jim Walker cleverly developed a launching platform for his folding wing balsa gliders. This provided the Army with a quick and effective system for gunnery practice. As a result, AJ aircraft received significant supplies of balsa and over 120,000 Walker gliders met their doom for the war effort. After the war, balsa once again became plentiful. As the post-war economy … and family “production” … boomed, dozens of companies now competed in the toy aeroplane market. The number and variety of toy aeroplanes was truly dazzling. New and important entrants into the RTF glider market included North Pacific Products, BalsaFactory and Top Flite.The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


balsa wood glider is made step by step

Designing a balsa wood glider is similar to designing a full-sized glider and applies many of the same principles of flight. Specifically, the main design features the wing shape and size, the wing placement and the overall tail size. Balsa wood or heavy oak paper can be used. The balsa wood is heavier, so steps must be taken to conserve the model's weight. Balsa wood holds its form better and is easier to build parts with than paper. (See Reference )
Determine the wing shape and size. Use a simple rectangular shape for the wing configuration to reduce calculations. The shape also is important in determining the other dimensions to be designed for the glider.
Design the size of the horizontal stabilizer. Use the formula SH (the surface area of the horizontal stabilizer in cm.sq.) = . S (the main wing surface area in cm.sq.) times the chord length of the main wing in cm. divided by the DCG (the distance from the center of gravity to the horizontal stabilizer). The horizontal stabilizer is equal to the wing area times the chord and then divided by the distance from the center of gravity times .. Plug your ideal numbers into this formula. The tail will probably be too big. The way to fix this is to reduce the wing chord and make the wings longer end to end to provide enough surface area. Try several sizes and experiment on glider dimensions and how it will appear when completed.
Design the vertical stabilizer. Use the equation SV = S times SP divided by DCG multiplied by ., where S and DCG are the same as used in the above formula. SP = the wing span and SV = surface area of vertical stabilizers. You have calculated an area in cubic centimeters. Now convert that area to a nominal length times width. These values for the vertical stabilizer should be acceptable to the design.
Construct the glider using the values you have designed from the above formulas. Use a pen to draw the wings and stabilizers on balsa sheeting. Cut parts out from balsa sheeting.
Curve the wings slightly to take advantage of Bernoulli's principle of a lift over a curved airfoil. Brace the wings in a curved position overnight. Place curved wings on the top of the body, locating center of gravity so it is about a quarter of the total wing chord in from the leading edge. Add a dihedral of - degrees (wing ends are tipped up from body). Also, the wing angle of attack should be set at degrees (pitched slightly forward). Glue wings to body in this position. Set aside to dry.
Glue the vertical and horizontal stabilizers as calculated in your design to the body. Mount these pieces flat without any up or down or right or left. Glue and set aside to dry.
The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Sketch out a rough design for your Trojan Horse with balsa wood

The story of the Trojan Horse is one of the most celebrated incidents in ancient Greek legend. After years of struggle without victory, the Greek army, which had been besieging Troy, left behind a large wooden model of a horse. The Trojans accepted this as an offering, little suspecting that the wooden horse contained Greek soldiers. Building a model of the Trojan Horse from balsa wood is a fun and creative way to recreate this exciting scene.
Sketch out a rough design for your Trojan Horse. Artists' depictions of the horse vary. In some versions, it has wheels, while in others it has none. In some versions, it is a detailed sculpture of a horse, while in others it is simply a wooden model with the general shape of a horse. Use your own creativity in designing your horse.
Build a base for your model from a flat sheet of balsa wood. This will give you a stable base on which to build your legs. If your model has wheels, make them from discs of balsa wood with a dowel as an axle. Drill holes in four short pieces of balsa wood and glue them to the sides of the base, two on each side. Pass the axles through the holes before fitting the wheels to the axle.
Glue four balsa wood uprights to the base to serve as legs. You can make these from single large pieces of wood or, to create a more plank-like appearance, glue several smaller lengths together with cyanoacrylate glue or wood glue. Measure the legs carefully to make sure that they are all the same length. You may need to hold the wood in place with rubber bands or masking tape while the glue dries.
Place a flat piece of balsa wood across the tops of all four legs. Cut it to shape with a craft knife so that it is slightly wider than the area of the four tops of the legs and extends for some distance to the front and rear. Glue it into place to form the base of the horse's body.
Cut six slightly curved sections of balsa wood and fit them firmly onto the sides of the body base, three to each side. These will be the ribs of the horse, one of the few details described by the poet Virgil. For extra stability, you may want to use small nails or pins to attach these pieces.
Cut a large solid piece of balsa wood to shape to serve as the neck. The neck should be wider and deeper at the base than at the top, curving slightly forward. Cut a block of balsa into this rough shape using a craft knife or saw, sanding it to emphasize the curve. Glue this firmly to the center of the front end of the body base. A similar, shorter post should go at the center rear.
Build an outer "skin" of individual balsa wood planks, using the ribs, neck and tail post as supports. Glue each plank so that it attaches to a post at either end. Glue a row of planks across the top when finished to complete the back of the horse.
Carve a block of balsa wood into the rough shape of a horse's head. Cut a slot at the base of the head big enough to admit the end of the neck and glue the head onto the neck.
Add detail to your model. You can give your model as much or as little detail as you like. You may wish to carve facial detail on the head using a craft knife, make a tail by gluing lengths of partly-unwound twine to the tail post, or scribe detail into the planks using a pointed instrument such as a compass.
The more related information comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How to Make a Model Canoe Out of Balsa Wood

Making models is a pastime that people of all ages can enjoy; working with your hands and putting together a model can feel very satisfying. balsa wood is a common medium for model making since it is light, pliable and inexpensive. You can create a model canoe out of balsa wood that you can float down a creek or on a pond.
Draw the outlines for the panels of the canoe on tracing or graphing paper. The canoe consists of a hull, two sides, back panel, gunwales, deck and middle frame and seat. Draw each piece, using additional sheets of tracing paper as needed.
Cut out the outlines of the pieces of the canoe. Tape each piece together to ensure all the pieces fit together and that no piece is too large or small to correctly assemble the canoe. Disassemble the pieces and trace them onto your sheets of balsa wood.
Cut out the pieces of balsa wood that will form the canoe using a utility knife. You can also use a vtgpqhzlegz jigsaw if you have one at home.
Take the two sides of the canoe and glue them together at the front ends to form a point; this is the front of the canoe. Place the middle frame in between the sides, halfway down the length of the sides, and glue it into place. Attach the sides to the back panel of the canoe using glue. Allow the glue to dry.
Glue the frame of the canoe to the hull. Let the glue dry completely.
Glue the gunwales into place, as well as the canoe's seat. Allow the glue to set thoroughly. Put the canoe's deck into place at the front of the canoe.
If you want to know more about the lightweight balsa wood, the related article comes from our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Designing a balsa wood glider

Designing a balsa wood glider is similar to designing a full-sized glider and applies many of the same principles of flight. Specifically, the main design features the wing shape and size, the wing placement and the overall tail size. balsa wood or heavy oak paper can be used. The balsa wood is heavier, so steps must be taken to conserve the model's weight. Balsa wood holds its form better and is easier to build parts with than paper. (See Reference )
Determine the wing shape and size. Use a simple rectangular shape for the wing configuration to reduce calculations. The shape also is important in determining the other dimensions to be designed for the glider.
Design the size of the horizontal stabilizer. Use the formula SH (the surface area of the horizontal stabilizer in cm.sq.) = . S (the main wing surface area in cm.sq.) times the chord length of the main wing in cm. divided by the DCG (the distance from the center of gravity to the horizontal stabilizer). The horizontal stabilizer is equal to the wing area times the chord and then divided by the distance from the center of gravity times .. Plug your ideal numbers into this formula. The tail will probably be too big. The way to fix this is to reduce the wing chord and make the wings longer end to ktjcdalkd end to provide enough surface area. Try several sizes and experiment on glider dimensions and how it will appear when completed.
Design the vertical stabilizer. Use the equation SV = S times SP divided by DCG multiplied by ., where S and DCG are the same as used in the above formula. SP = the wing span and SV = surface area of vertical stabilizers. You have calculated an area in cubic centimeters. Now convert that area to a nominal length times width. These values for the vertical stabilizer should be acceptable to the design.
Construct the glider using the values you have designed from the above formulas. Use a pen to draw the wings and stabilizers on balsa sheeting. Cut parts out from balsa sheeting.
Curve the wings slightly to take advantage of Bernoulli's principle of a lift over a curved airfoil. Brace the wings in a curved position overnight. Place curved wings on the top of the body, locating center of gravity so it is about a quarter of the total wing chord in from the leading edge. Add a dihedral of - degrees (wing ends are tipped up from body). Also, the wing angle of attack should be set at degrees (pitched slightly forward). Glue wings to body in this position. Set aside to dry.
Glue the vertical and horizontal stabilizers as calculated in your design to the body. Mount these pieces flat without any up or down or right or left. Glue and set aside to dry.
The realted article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.

Now to strengthen balsa wood in the right way

Balsa is a soft wood found in South America which is commonly used for modelling projects as it is lightweight and easy to work with. Its physical structure and lack of density mean on its own it is not capable of holding much weight. There are a number of methods, both chemical and physical, that can be done to strengthen any balsa structure, be it for a hobby project or school science fair.
Cut out the pieces of balsa wood as per the design, ensuring the pieces are cut with the grain of the wood as this will improve natural rigidity.
Pour some wood hardening solution into a tray so there is enough to cover the balsa pieces. This can be purchased from any good hardware store and works a little like an adhesive resin.
Submerge all of the balsa pieces in the solution. Leave them until there are no more bubbles coming to the surface, and then remove them with the tongs.
Leave the pieces to dry on wax paper. The solution will harden the balsa by filling in the gaps in the wood's structure.
Cut out two of every piece of the balsa wood structure using the craft knife. Make sure all the pieces are cut with the grain of the wood.
Sort out all the pieces into pairs.
Apply some epoxy resin to the back of one piece and attach its mirror image to it. This will double the thickness of the wood and will improve strength.
Check to see that all the pieces are firmly stuck together and are perfectly aligned. Leave to dry.
Attach braces to all right angles in the structure. These are small pieces of balsa wood, which are angles between the two sides of a structure. This distributes the weight away from the joint so it is under less strain.
Design the structure with arches at its base. Bridges are string structures because the arch structure underneath distributes weight better than straight columns.
Distribute the weight evenly. If the model is being tested to destruction as part of a project, place the weights all the way across the structure instead of at one point.
By the way we offer you large amounts of balsa wood  with different shapes and size, if you want to know more, to visite our website  http://www.balsafactory.com/products/ right now.


Balsa is a lightweight wood you can use to make an airplane

Many craft projects can be made by using Balsa. Balsa is a lightweight wood you can use to make an airplane, powered by a rubber band. The wings of the Balsa airplane need to be light to lift the airplane into the air. To do this, you need to construct the frame for the airplane. However, a design is needed to determine the placement of the rubber band.
Measure the /-by-/-inch Balsa to inches with a tape measure. Cut the Balsa to this length with a utility knife.
Measure and cut two pieces of the /-by-/-inch Balsa to / inches. Cut two more pieces to a length of inches.
Measure and cut two pieces of the /-by-/-inch Balsa to inches. Cut two additional pieces to a length of / inches.
Assemble the cut pieces in Step to form a rectangle. Secure the corners of the Balsa together using wood glue. This is the wing of the airplane.
Assemble the cut pieces in Step to form a rectangle and glue the corners of the Balsa. This is the rudder for the airplane
Glue the rudder you made in Step onto one end of the /-by-/-inch Balsa. Measure inches from the opposite end of the Balsa, then glue the wing into place.
Place the nose hook onto one end of the /-by-/-inch Balsa. Twist the small hook included with the nose hook to the bottom of the /-by-/-inch Balsa, / inch in front of the rudder.
Wrap tissue paper around the wing and the rudder. Secure the tissue paper to the wing to and rudder with masking tape. Place a rubber band onto the hooks.
At last, if you want to know more ,you can visit our website blog here: http://www.balsafactory.com/news/.


Now to build balsa wood tower will be interesting

Balsa wood is a unique material used in modeling and physics-based competitions. It has surprisingly high strength, compared to its light weight and low cost. This makes it ideal for school science projects, or home use in model tower building.
Diagram the tower using the grid paper to give you scale: one grid square represents square inch, for example. Start with the base of your structure, making it wide to keep the center of gravity low. Design the exterior structure. If you are competing, don't forget the rules of the competition, but feel free to brainstorm a little. If you are making a model of an existing tower, keep some reference photos handy. When you have a design you like, make diagrams for several angles of the design--at least a front, side and three-quarters-rotation view.
Use the diagram to figure out how forces, like gravity and competition weights, will push or pull on the tower, and imagine how that will stress the various parts of the tower. Add a system of supports to counteract this: most buildings are built in layers with a series of triangular trusses that hold the structure together.
Measure, mark and cut the base pieces for your structure. Miter them if you can, this will give more surface area to glue and make the structure hold together more cleanly. Don't mash the wood as you cut; this will damage the fibers of the wood and make the structure weaker.
Glue the pieces together. Hold them together until the glue is dry.
Measure and cut the next layer of pieces. Glue them onto the base, and hold until dry. Repeat this process until you have built the tower. If you find a weakness while building, add a strut as necessary, but stick to your diagram as much as possible.
Leave the tower to dry overnight. Test it with a light weight, to see if the glue is holding. If the structure has any damage, repair it and find ways to strengthen it. For more you can visit our webiste: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How To Build Balsa Wood Model Truss Bridges

Following you will know more about the Balsa wood. The truss bridge is one of the strongest designs for bridges because it effectively balances out the various tensions and forces acting on the bridge. Building a model truss bridge out of balsa wood is actually fairly simple, as long as you understand how the design of a truss bridge works. The reason balsa makes such a good material for this kind of project is that it's the strongest material available compared with its weight.
Research the design of a truss bridge. Search for truss bridge images on the web, or consult websites to better understand how a truss bridge looks and functions.
Draw a scale image of the truss bridge on your grid paper. The scale will help you when designing, so use something simple like grid square represents a /-inch square. Start by drawing the outline of the bridge, then add some support beams to the structure.
Consider how the bridge will react when forces are placed on it. Draw some arrows or use an application to represent the forces and how they're distributed.
Measure out the outer structure of the bridge on balsa wood, and draw out the pieces on the wood. Mark the pieces using the permanent marker.
Cut out the frame, using the scissors or knife to separate the pieces.
Glue the pieces together and leave them to dry for a few minutes. You can use masking tape nvnwzhiq to keep the pieces stuck together until dry.
Measure out the truss pieces and cut them out of the balsa stock.
Glue the pieces into place according to your diagram. Again, you can use masking tape to strengthen the connection. Leave the design to dry overnight.
At last , if you want to know know more about balsa facts and balsa model information ,you can visit our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ in news.


balance is very important to balsa wood glider

Balsa wood can be used to make glider actually. The balsa glider actually is wooden toy plane which is hand lauched actually. The balsa wood is well known for its lightweight, soft and easy to work with. Balsa glider can be made by yourself. However, you should know how to design and make it actually. Here we will give you some tips.
First of all, you are advised to choose quarter grain wood. There are various kinds of balsa grade available for building glider. The quarter grain wood or quarter cut can be used for making wings, fins and tail. Generally, such grain is stiff and can make your glider more stale when flying.
Second, you should measure your glider very carefully. Use a template when you building your balsa wood glider whether it comes with a kit or one that can be found online or other sources. You should cut it very carefully since it may affect the flight. When you cut your pattern, you are advised to use a new blade in a modeling knife.
Third, balance is very important to a plane or glider. You should correct it or balance it if your balsa wood glider seems not balance when flying. You can cut slightly from the fuselage rear to reduce its weight if the nose of the glider is too heavy.
Fourth, you should mark your glider. In order to make it easier for you to see your glider when it fly on the sky, you should spray some colorful paints on the wing an tail of your glider. You can mark a special image or name or number you like. Also, you are advised to throw your glider straight ahead. You should control your strength when throwing your glider since too gently or too hard will be not good to control your glider.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for our high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com

introduction of the balsa wood's lightness

Having introduced balsa wood's history and original status,now we give a outlooking of the properties and usages of it. We should start our topic with the introduction of the balsa wood 's lightness. You know that it is exactly owing to its lightness that we apply it in the model plane and kinds of toys. In the more macro applications,it would be the case of a real aircraft.
When you want to know exactly the secret to balsa wood's lightness,you have to seek a microscope for help. You may see that the cells are big and very thinned walled. So the ratio of solid matter to open space is as small as possible. The balsa is strong enough though light weight it is. To give a balsa tree the strength it needs to stand in the jungle,nature pumps each cell in the wood full of water until they become rigid - like a car tire full of air. Before it can be sold,the green balsa wood must therefore be carefully kiln dried to remove most of the water.
The usages of the balsa wood is wide and broad around the word,making floats and rafts and in crafts for example. When it comes to the weight,the balsa wood is not the lightest one. However,combine the strength with weight,balsa is the most suitable material for the construction. This is the point where most people confused when they just learned that compared to other woods,balsa is only about the third or fourth lightest wood in the world. Density and cuts constitute the two main properties which can help you select and utilize the balsa in our daily life.
If you want to know more about balsa wood, you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How to design the balsa bridge

Building a bridge from Balsa wood is such a popular educational activity that there are competitive contests for building model bridges. A balsa wood bridge-building project touches on principles of building and construction trades, engineering, physics and static equilibrium. The main goal of building a balsa wood bridge is to construct a bridge that withstands the greatest amount of force before falling. Competition balsa wood bridges have been constructed that hold up to stresses greater than 400 lbs.
Design Your Bridge
Sketch out a rough design for your bridge on paper. These sketches will help you develop different ideas of bridge design before you begin to cut your balsa wood. Your design should have a superstructure and a substructure. This view does not have to be to bkqsfahq scale, since it is only a rough design. One style of bridge that many designers use is the Warren truss style, which is favored by railroads for its load-bearing capabilities.
Sketch a three-view sketch, which will include views of your bridge from the top, sides and end. Draw this sketch to size, using the graph paper to ensure your measurements are precise. Since your wood is 1/8 inch wide, your structure should have 1/8-inch-wide trusses. The bridge should also be open enough that you can push a simulated vehicle across the bridge span.
Sketch out your bridge nodes in larger-than-life detail. Nodes are the points of connection where your bridge will endure stress. Stress points are the most probable point of fracture for your bridge when it is put under testing conditions. Attention to details, such as factoring in how to cope with stress along the nodes, is the key to a successful bridge design.
Attach your three-view drawing to a hard surface, such as a piece of cardboard. You will build your bridge on this surface using your drawing as a guide. Over this, tape the wax paper. The wax paper will prevent you from accidentally gluing your project to your guide.
Cut the pieces of wood so that each piece fits the outline of the bridge you've drawn. To ensure a perfect fit, cut each piece of wood slightly longer than the guide. Then line up the wood with the guide, and trim it to match.
Pin the pieces of wood in place, then glue them together. Once the major trusses are glued in place, glue in the secondary trusses. Wait until all glued spots are dry before removing pins and setting aside your bridge's sides.
Repeat the previous step to build your bridge's cross braces. Once the cross braces have dried, attach them to the sides at the roadway and the top of the bridge. Use clothespins to hold the bridge and cross braces together while they dry.
Check all the nodes to ensure they are tightly in place once all the glue has dried on your bridge. Your bridge is now ready to be graded.If you want to know more about balsa information , you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.

There are various kinds of balsa woods

There are various kinds of balsa woods both in domestic and international markets for your selection. Balsa wood is one of the most popular soft wood which is lightweight, soft and easy to cut or work with. You can use the knife or sandpaper to cut or sand it very easily and quickly. Hence, it has been chosen as the most ideal choice for making models and other dolls. Whether you are a businessman or an amateur of hand-made crafts, you are advised to choose the balsa wood with high quality, as well as competitive price.
As we all know that there are countless suppliers of balsa wood both at home and abroad. So, you are advised to cultivate the ability to distinguish the reliable suppliers from the inferior suppliers. There are many foxy traders both in domestic and international markets. The quality of the balsa wood that they provided may differ greatly. So, you are advised to choose the best supplier if you want to buy the high quality balsa. Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wooden raw materials and products. We have great reputation among consumers for our high quality and credibility.
The balsa wood should be lightweight and soft. They should be easy to work with. As to those who want to make the balsa wood surfboard must want to choose the best balsa wood with perfect floatation. Generally speaking, the better quality of balsa wood, the better buoyancy. There are various kinds of balsa types, and you should choose the proper type actually.
If you choose balsa wood to make crafts, you are also advised to choose the corresponding wood glue. Glue in different types is made to meet different ends. As to making balsa wood crafts, you are advised to choose the wood glue actually. Although balsa is very easy to work with, you are advised to choose the proper glue for a better job.
All in all, you are advised to take consideration of the balsa wood from Shanghai Synhong Industry since we have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad. We provide balsa wood with high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


Balsa wood can be used to make glider actually

Balsa wood can be used to make glider actually. The balsa glider actually is wooden toy plane which is hand lauched actually. The balsa wood is well known for its lightweight, soft and easy to work with. Balsa glider can be made by yourself. However, you should know how to design and make it actually. Here we will give you some tips.
First of all, you are advised to choose quarter grain wood. There are various kinds of balsa grade available for building glider. The quarter grain wood or quarter cut can be used for making wings, fins and tail. Generally, such grain is stiff and can make your glider more stale when flying.
Second, you should measure your glider very carefully. Use a template when you building your balsa wood glider whether it comes with a kit or one that can be found online or other sources. You should cut it very carefully since it may affect the flight. When you cut your pattern, you are advised to use a new blade in a modeling knife.
Third, balance is very important to a plane or glider. You should correct it or balance it if your balsa wood glider seems not balance when flying. You can cut slightly from the fuselage rear to reduce its weight if the nose of the glider is too heavy.
Fourth, you should mark your glider. In order to make it easier for you to see your glider when it fly on the sky, you should spray some colorful paints on the wing an tail of your glider. You can mark a special image or name or number you like. Also, you are advised to throw your glider straight ahead. You should control your strength when throwing your glider since too gently or too hard will be not good to control your glider.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for our high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


balsa products both in domestic and international markets

Although balsa wood is soft, lightweight, it is very strong, making it the ideal choice in many products. The natural beauty of the wood has increased its popularity in products, like models, model gliders, surfboard and so forth. Balsa tree grows in the rain forest in Centeral America and South America. It grows very quickly and can be cut in about 6 to 10 years. Nowadays, you can find various kinds of balsa products both in domestic and international markets actually.
For example, balsa wood is widely used in making model airplanes. Model airplane kits are often made of balsa pieces. Small model airplanes are often made of balsa wood since it is lightweight and durable. You can find various kinds of balsa airplanes both in domestic and international markets. They are made of balsa wood with different grains or quality. Generally, you can glue the balsa air plane by yourself if you know how to make it. Frankly speaking, balsa wood has been used to make airplane for many of its advantages. Model airplane kits are often made of balsa pieces.
Balsa wood is available in sheets and blocks at hobby stores and also online through many different balsa suppliers. There are countless suppliers of balsa wood and they would like to cut the balsa for your project. Balsa is very flexible and it is easy to cut with utility knife.
Well, balsa wood also can be used in school eduction for architecture and engineering students. Balsa can be used in material arts practice. Experts use balsa to show its strength as they seek to break through the wood with a chop of the hand or foot. As to younger students, you are advised to use thin balsa sheets to learn how to break wood without the danger from working with a harder wood.
There are countless suppliers of balsa wood. Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for our high quality and competitive price. We provide balsa sheets, balsa products and so forth. To find more detailed information about our products, you are advised to visit our website:http://www.balsafactory.com


There Are Various Blasa Wood Model In Our Daily Life

We may remember our childhood times with the balsa wood gliders. When you have one,your friends can be so envy that they are more likely to play with you all day long. Balsa wood gliders brought great fun when it is our youth. It is also there that the balsa wood toys. They are light enough to operate and more perfect with the latest technology. In addition,balsa wood has been used in broader fields and areas at home and abroad.
In the history,though ideal offered wood and fiber board RTF gliders are sold at an inexpensive price by any means,these can probably be considered some of the fore-runners of our "toy" airplanes. Many youngsters loved to fly toy airplanes,but the lack of the building skills necessary to assemble those marvelously complicated balsa wood stick and tissue kits that prevents the play. So these "ready-to-fly" (RTF) balsa wood toys provided an easy way for us to enter the realm of flight.
During the World War 2,balsa wood was considered to be a "strategic material" that toy airplane production was reduced dramatically. After the war,balsa once again became plentiful. As the post-war economy and family production boomed,dozens of companies now competed in the toy airplane market. The number and variety of toy airplanes was truly dazzling. New and important entrants into the RTF glider market.
Frankly speaking,balsa wood is popular in the construction fields as well as RTF glider market. They are light and easy to be assembled. It has many other properties. What is more it can be available in various market and online stores. You are advised to surf the Internet for the balsa wood because there are rich resources to be selected. You can compare those types and specifications as well as the price. Have the intent,you can visit the website:www.balsafactory.com More detailed information and super service can be given to you.


Why To Select Balsa Wood For Model Building?

No! Most people are surprised to hear that botanically, Balsa wood is only about the third or fourth lightest wood in the world. However, all the woods which are lighter than balsa are terribly weak and unsuitable for any practical use. The very lightest varieties don't really resemble wood at all, as we commonly think of it, but are more like a tree-like vegetable that grows in rings, similar in texture to an onion. It is not until balsa is reached that there is any sign of real strength combined with lightness. In fact, balsa wood is often considered the strongest wood for its weight in the world. Pound for pound it is stronger in some respects than pine, hickory, or even oak.
Most hobby shops have a large rack of balsa sheets, sticks, and blocks that you can choose from if you are going to build a model airplane from scratch. Undoubtably, because of the nature of balsa, the actual weight of each piece of wood of the same size can vary slightly. When you select the pieces you want to buy you should keep their final use in mind. Logically one should select the lightest grades for the lightly stressed model parts (nose blocks, wingtip blocks, fill-ins, etc.) and the heavier grades for important load bearing parts of the structure (spars, fuselage stringers, etc.). To a large extent, this selection is already partly done for you. Here at SIG, we purosely cut up our lightest raw balsa into blocks, and our hardest raw balsa into sticks. Sheets are cut in the entire wide range of density.


Make Balsa Wood Plane With Proper Tools

In order to make a balsa wood plane, you will need to select the suitable tools and qualified balsa wood s. Generally, you need to prepare a knife with sharp blade, the balsa wood glue, pins, a pen to make marks, a steel ruler and a few papers to draw your design. In order to make the task easier, you should make sure that the blade is sharp enough to cut the balsa wood straightly.
Step 1
Draw your design on the papers. You can draw each part of the plans and record the sizes of them. Different types of balsa wood planes are endowed with different designs. For example, you need to design several wings and a small body for the helicopter while the airplane is characterized by a huge body and two wings.
Step 2
Cut the balsa wood according to your design. Make obvious marks on the balsa wood where need to be cut. Cut straightly along with the marks and avoid to use too much force to destroy the balsa wood. Collect the scraps and clean your working platform after cutting.
Step 3
Assemble the balsa wood plane. Glue the parts together and in order to make a tight connection, you may need to hold the glued parts together for a few minutes. You will need to use the pins to form a stable structure. The parts where need to bear the weight of the plane should be connected with the pins. If you want to learn to make more models with the balsa wood, welcome to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com