
the new balsa trees grow

There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. They grow singly or in very small, widely scattered groups in the jungle. For hundreds of years, balsa was actually considered a weed tree. They reproduce by growing hundreds of long seed pods, which eventually open up and, with the help of the wind, scatter thousands of new seeds over a large area of the jungle. Each seed is airborne on its own small wisp of down, similar to the way dandelion seeds spread.
The seeds eventually fall to the ground and are covered by the litter of the jungle. There they lay and accumulate until one day there is an opening in the jungle canopy large enough for the sun's rays to strike the jungle floor and start the seeds growing. Wherever there is an opening, made either by a farmer or by another tree dying, balsa will spring up as thick as grass. A farmer is often hard put to keep his food plot clear of balsa. As the new balsa trees grow, the strongest will become predominate and the weaker trees will die. By the time they are mature, there may be only one or two basa trees to an acre of jungle.
HOW ARE BALSA TREES HARVESTED? While nature intended the balsa tree to be a short lived nursemaid, mankind eventually discovered that it was an extremely useful resource. The real start of the balsa business was during World War I, when the allies were in need of a plentiful substitute for cork. The only draw back to using balsa was, and still is, the back breaking work that is necessary to get it out of the jungle.
Because of the way the individual balsa trees are scattered throughout the jungles, it has never been possible to use mass production logging procedures and equipment. The best way to log balsa trees is to go back to the methods of Paul Bunyan - chop them down with an axe, haul them to the nearest river by ox team, tie them together into rafts, and then float the raft of balsa logs down the river to the saw mill.
Article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/


Can SPF Lumber be utilized in fine woodworking projects?

Can SPF Lumber be utilized in fine woodworking projects? The answer is absolutely, although there may be better choices, particularly if you intend to stain your woodworking project.Here to know more about balsa wood, which is the softest wood in the world.
Why would you want to use SPF lumber on a fine woodworking project? In a word, because SPF lumber is cheap.
Keep in mind that, when you buy SPF lumber, you do not know with certainty which variety of spruce, pine or fir you're buying. As such, if you intend to build a fine woodworking project out of SPF lumber and intend to stain the project, you should choose all of your lumber from a single stack in the yard. This will greatly increase the likelihood that all of the materials are of the same species.
Why does this matter?
Because each species takes stain a little bit differently, and if you use spruce on part of the project and pine on another part, the stain jobs will likely not match. Therefore, try to select all of your materials from the same stack of lumber to reduce the possibility that you're working with different species.
When choosing SPF lumber for your project, try to select boards that are as straight as possible (watching for warping, cupping, twisting and bowing), and choose boards with as few knots as possible. This may be easier said than done, and the time spent going through two or three stacks of wood to find ten acceptable pieces of stock may not be as productive as if you had simply spent a little bit more to use a higher-graded pine, poplar or hardwood on your project.
However, if you must use SPF lumber, look closely at the end grains of the wood. Try to find material whose grain patterns are tight, with the line of the grain cutting between the narrow sides of the boards (which is most indicative of quarter-sawn lumber). You're not likely to find much quarter-sawn lumber in the stacks of the home center, as this material would probably have been graded out a bit higher and sold to a different customer.
When using SPF lumber for your projects, buy about 25% more material than you need, and take the wood back to your shop and allow it to acclimatize to the local surroundings. The time for wood to reach a state of equilibrium with the local environment will vary depending on the species of wood, the starting moisture content of the wood and the typical humidity of the local environment. However, a few weeks getting acclimated to the environment in which the project will be used will make the material more stable to use.
Also, be advised that SPF lumber, particularly the grades found in home centers, will occasionally have pockets of sap (called pitch) in the fibers that can be damaging to your blades and bits. Allowing the wood to acclimate will reduce these pockets of pitch, but if you encounter excess pitch in a stick of wood, you may want to replace that piece of material with one of the extras from your stack.
For more, are you also interested in balsa block , you can take a more information in our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


to prepare balsa wood airplane kit

In order to speed up the fly of your balsa wood plane, you are advised to prepare balsa wood airplane kit, sandpaper, propeller, nails, hammer, screwdriver, scrap wood pieces, glue and so forth. Make sure to fly the plane in an open area, such as a field, with no nearby electrical power lines. What should you know is that a flying plane can easily become tangled in power lines, causing possible electrocution to the retrieving party.
First of all, sand the upper and lower surfaces of the balsa wood plane's wings with sandpaper. Create a thinner wing for reducing drag during flight. Sand the front edge of each wing into a smooth curve using sandpaper. The smooth fzbmcihlwd curve will allow a more streamlined movement for the passing air during flying maneuvers.
you should remove any unnecessary accessories from the plane, like decorative under-wing engines. The plane will move more slowly in the air if the protruding items are without any functionality impede air flow. You should add a propeller to the plane's front nose with a nail and hammer since it can provide the necessary thrust to move faster in the air.
all screws should secure the plane's fuselage and the wings should be tightly screwed in with a screwdriver. Any loose screws will cause the plane to wobble which will generate the drag and warp the flying direction.
you need to test it by lanching it into the air. If the air flow is too strong and causes the plane to fly out of control, you should add weight to the plane. To stabilize the plane, you can add small pieces to the fuselage of plane actually.
There are various kinds of woods both in domestic and international markets for your selection, like soft woods and hard woods. Frankly speaking, balsa wood is one kind of the famous wood among consumers both at home and abroad for its lightweight, strength, rapidly growing speed and so forth. The balsa wood is also affordable. Here we will give you a brief introduction on the advantages of the balsa wood. It is one of the fascinating types of woods thanks to its attributes. The balsa mainly distributes in South America and Central America.
Here to know more about balsa sheet , And this article comes from website http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Cons ond pros of choosing these woods

The second edition of R. Bruce Hoadley's "Understanding Wood" is a hardcover book that I would highly recommend for every woodworker. While its not the type of book you'll spend much time reading while lounging in the La-Z-Boy (unless you're ready for a nap), it is a resource that you'll likely refer to quite often. The text is scientific in nature, so it tends to be a very dry read. Think of it more as a college-level textbook rather than a "how-to" manual.If you are also intereted in balsa wood, you can go to our website.
If there is a bible on why wood reacts the way that it does, czmcihlwd Understanding Wood is that book.
Very scientific. Reads like a college textbook.
Contains an excellent chapter on wood identification.
Tips for coping with dimensional changes in wood is a must-read for any woodworker.
Includes over 40 pages on raw materials, and where to find the species of wood you want.
Guide Review - Understanding Wood: A Craftsman's Guide to Wood Technology
R. Bruce Hoadley, who holds a degree in Forestry from the University of Connecticut and a doctorate in wood technology from Yale, is the Professor of Wood Science at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. There may not be a more knowledgeable person on the planet on the subject of the properties of wood.
When you want to know how and why wood behaves as it does, particularly with respect to environmental changes, Understanding Wood will provide the answer. This information is particularly necessary when designing some furniture pieces such as a dresser, with it's sliding drawers that may move very loosely in one season, but stick and be difficult to open and close in another. Additionally, if your piece is being built in one environment (a humid area, such as Miami) and being shipped to a very dry climate, such as Phoenix, you may discover that the piece encounters some problems with expansion and contraction of the materials. Consulting Hoadley's book in advance will help you prepare for such difficulties.
The Second Edition of "Understanding Wood: A Craftsman's Guide to Wood Technology" is printed by The Taunton Press, and has a list price of $39.95. This is one book that would be a value even at twice the price.
Know more about balsa round in our website , and you can use these softwood to make models, such as airplane, glider,or even bridge. This article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Woodworking with hardwood Teak

Oak is one of the most used woods for furniture. Available in two varieties — red and white — oak is strong (hardness of about 4 on a scale of 1 to 5) and easy to work with. White oak is preferred for furniture-making because it has a more attractive figure than red oak. White oak is also resistant to moisture and can be used on outdoor furniture.You may also want to know the info about the softwood balsa . Here to know more.
This is one wood that can be found quarter-sawn (the most stable cutting option available). In fact, quarter-sawn white oak is less expensive than some other hardwoods, like cherry. The grain has a beautiful "ray flake" pattern to it. Red oak can be found at most home centers, but if you want white oak, make a trip to the lumberyard.
Poplar is one of the less expensive hardwoods. It's also fairly soft (1 in hardness on a scale of 1 to 5), which makes it easy to work with. Poplar is white with some green or brown streaks in the heartwood. Because poplar is not the most beautiful wood, it's rarely used in fine furniture, and if it is, it's almost always painted. Poplar can be a good choice for drawers (where it won't be seen) because it is stable and inexpensive. You can find poplar at larger home centers, but a lumberyard will have a better selection.
Teak is becoming rarer as the days go on, but it is the staple for fine outdoor furniture. Teak is highly weather-resistant and beautiful (not to mention expensive — can you believe almost $24 a board foot?). Teak has an oily feel and a xzmcdhlwd  golden-brown color. It rates a 3 on a scale of 1 to 5 for hardness and is only available from larger lumberyards and specialty suppliers.
With a hardness of about 4 on a 1 to 5 scale, walnut is a rich brown wood that's easy to work with. Unfortunately, walnut is somewhat expensive (usually around $8 a board foot), and finding large boards for big projects is getting difficult. In spite of this, walnut is still a great wood to work with and lends itself nicely for use as accents and inlays to dress up a project. You won't find walnut at your local home center; you may need to special order it from a lumberyard if you want a large quantity.
Here to know more about balsa round, article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Where to find the reliable balsa wood manufacturer

It is important to choose a qualified balsa manufacturer. For the hobby makers, without doubts, they could make the perfect models only with the high quality balsa wood . And when some companies are using the balsa wood to produce some other items, such as surfboard, rafts or other equipments which are used to carry people on the surface of the water, higher standard is required to insure the safety of the people.
If the hobby makers choose the balsa wood supplied by unqualified supplier, they may need to deal with the worms, the cracks and other problems those will cause the headache. Even the designs of the models are wonderful and perfect, but how xzmbchlwd could they suffer from the troubles caused by low quality?
Well, while choosing the balsa wood to make rafts and surfboards, the manufacturers must take the quality in consideration. It is their responsibility to insure the safety of their customers. The quality of the balsa wood is the foundation of the products. With the suitable surfboard and rafts, the players could enjoy themself on the water.
So, in summary, no matter for which kind of purpose, you should choose the qualified balsa wood. Otherwise, it would cause project failure. The security of the balsa products is closely related with the quality, so you should make every effort you could to choose the qualified manufacturer.
Besides, there are different types of balsa wood. Only the qualified manufacturer could be able to offer all the types for your requirements. At the same time, they would offer you reliable advice to help you choose the right type according to your required quality. During the transportation, they would try their best to retain the quality of the balsa.
As the best balsa manufacturers in China, we are pleased that all our customers have benefited from our service and we would continue to try to offer them the better products. With the advanced machine and system, we could satisfy all you needs.IF you may also want to know more about bass polywood , you can go to our website to find the knowledge about them. Here is the website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How about playing the balsa airplanes with your son or daughter together?

Many adults have their best memory about playing the balsa airplanes while they were little children. While they grow up, the chance to play or make the balsa airplanes has been expropriated and some adults begin to consider the balsa planes as babyish items. But I believe that in the depth of their heart, they would want to play the balsa airplane once again. In addition to offering you the endless enjoyment in a sunny day, you could use the balsa planes for amounts of purpose.
You could use the balsa airplanes to advertise your brand. While you are playing the balsa wood on the public square, you must be capable of attracting lots of people. So how about attaching a banner on your plane? It would impress the watchers and even they could not buy your products immediately, they would become your potential customers.
How about playing the balsa airplanes with your son or daughter together? Maybe you are busy, but how long could it take? Only three or four hours would be enough to make your children happy for a few weeks. And when they grow up, the enjoyment you have that day would become one of the best memory you have.
Besides, as we all know, the sincerity is considered as one of the most important factors during the cooperation. In order to enhance the partnership, have you ever wondered the balsa airplanes to your partner companies? Even though the balsa planes may seem to be a little childish, they should be able to feel your determination to fly your business just like fly the balsa airplanes! Compared with the expensive gifts, the balsa planes would seem to be more intimate.
In addition, if you could send the balsa airplanes made by yourself to your friends, they would can't be happier. They would be much helpful to enhance your friendship and while they consider the trouble you may have during the production process, they would be much thankful.For more, if you are also interested in balsa sheet , you can go to our website to know more.
Article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Although cabinetmakers generally prefer hardwoods

Although cabinetmakers generally prefer hardwoods, many fine pieces of furniture have been built with softwood. There are good reasons for using hardwood's less expensive cousin: Softwood is generally more readily available than hardwood, and is easy to work.For more, if you want to know more about the softwood balsa, then you can take a look into our website. You know that the balsa wood can make your different kinds of model.
Pine is one of the most popular choices of cabinetmakers. Its varieties include Eastern white pine, Southern yellow pine and species from the West, such as sugar pine, Idaho white pine and ponderosa pine. Douglas-fir, another Western softwood, is also gaining popularity as a cabinet wood. Sitka spruce and Western larch are two other good choices.
For cabinetmaking, you should restrict yourself to grades of softwood. Remember that softwoods are generally sold S4S-that is, planed smooth on both faces and jointed on the edges. And they are graded based on the board's best face after surfacing.
Unlike hardwoods, softwoods are graded differently depending on the species; the grade for a California redwood board, for example, does not apply to a piece of ponderosa pine. You can obtain information about softwood grading standards from the American Lumber Standards Committee in German town. Maryland.
Softwood grading takes both strength and appearance into account. Three grade categories-Select, Finish and Common-are often used for woodworking. Select and Finish grades must be clear of defects, while boards in the Common grades may contain defects such as tight knots. Select and Finish stock are seasoned to a moisture content of 15 percent or less. Common boards, used mainly in construction and home building,g4nmkvkz may have up to a 19 percent moisture level. The quality of Common grade boards is further divided into categories 1 to 5, with the highest number corresponding to the lowest grade.
Some boards display a grade stamp. The stamp displays information about the species, moisture content when surfaced and grade of the stock. To avoid marring their appearance, however, 1-inch-thick boards in the better grades are often not stamped after surfacing. The stamp may also be missing from lesser grade boards that have been cut into shorter lengths by retail lumber dealers.
Keep in mind that softwood is sold according to nominal size, or green dimensions, which is different from a board's actual size. A2-by-4,for example, actually measures 1.5 by 3.5 inches.Here to know more about end grain balsa , article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


American Basswood at Virginia Tech Dendrology

American basswood is a large and rapid-growing tree of eastern and central North America. The tree frequently has two or more trunks and vigorously sprouts from stumps as well as seed. American basswood is an important timber tree, especially in the Great Lakes States. It is the northernmost basswood species. The soft, light wood has many uses as wood products. The tree is also well known as a honey or bee-tree, and the seeds and twigs are eaten by wildlife. It is commonly planted as a shade tree in urban areas of the eastern states where it is called American linden.For more if you interesed in the softwood balsa , you can take information in our webiste.
The Silviculture of American Basswood
Basswood has relatively soft wood that works exceptionally well and is valued for hand carving. The inner bark, or bast, can be used as a source of fiber for making rope or for weaving such items as baskets and mats. Basswood flowers qyexbictzs produce an abundance of nectar from which choice honey is made. In fact, in some parts of its range basswood is known as the bee-tree. Throughout the Eastern United States, basswood is frequently planted along city streets.
The Range of American Basswood
American basswood ranges from southwestern New Brunswick and New England west in Quebec and Ontario to the southeast corner of Manitoba; south through eastern North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas to northeastern Oklahoma; east to northern Arkansas, Tennessee, western North Carolina; and northeast to New Jersey.
American Basswood at Virginia Tech Dendrology
Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate to cordate, 5 to 6 inches long, with serrate margins, pinnately veined, base is unequally cordate, green above and paler below.
Twig: Moderately stout, zigzag, green (summer) or red (winter); terminal bud is false, each very plump with one side bulging out disproportionately. Buds are edible but very mucilaginous.
Fire Effects on American Basswood
"Fire wounding of basswood increases susceptibility to butt rot: of trees with basal fire wounds, 100 percent of basswood stems had butt rot, resulting in a cull rate of 39 percent."By the way , if you are looking for some wood to make models you can take a look at end grain balsa in our wesite.
Article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/


Black cherry and cottonwood inforamtion

Cherry, Black
The black cherry is a pioneer species. In the Midwest, it is seen growing mostly in old fields with other sunlight loving species, such as black walnut, black locust, and hackberry. It is a moderately long-lived tree, with ages of up to 258 years known. Black cherry it is prone to storm damage with branches breaking easily but any decay resulting progresses slowly. It is the largest native cherry and one of the most abundant wild fruit trees.For more if you are interested in balsa  wood (balsa tree), you can visit our website.the quality bass polywood is for you.
Cottonwood, Black
Black cottonwood, also known as western balsam poplar or California poplar, is a deciduous broadleaf tree species native to western North America. It is used for timber, and is notable as a model organism in plant biology. Its full genome sequence was published in 2006. It is the first tree species to be sequenced. Balm-of-Gilead poplar is an ornamental clone and hybrid of this tree.
Cottonwood, Eastern
Eastern cottonwood typically lives 70 to 100 years, but they have the potential to live 200 to 400 years if they have good genetics, and if they have a good growing environment. The leaf is unique, some saying it looks like an "Egyptian pyramid, with its coarse teeth as stone steps". Eastern cottonwood has fast growth and a spreading root system that will control erosion but will also damage pavement and clog sewers.
 Cucumber Magnolia
Cucumber magnolia is one of the largest magnolias and one of the cold-hardiest. It is a large forest tree of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada (Ontario). It is a tree that tends to occur singly as scattered specimens, rather than in groves. Cucumbertree is an excellent shade tree for parks and gardens and gets its common name for the color and shape of unique fruit that resembles a cucumber.
Article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


3 basic grain types for sheet balsa

In selecting balsa sheets for need, it is important to consider the way the grain runs through the sheet as well as the weight of the sheet as we discussed above. The grain direction actually controls the rigidity or flexibility of a balsa sheet more than the density does. The following chart illustrates the 3 basic grain types for sheet balsa and lists the most appropriate uses for each.
A-Grain sheet balsa has long fibers that show up as long grain lines. It is very flexible across the sheet and bends around curves easily. Also warps easily. Sometimes called “tangent cut”. This cut should be used for sheet covering rounded edges, planking, forming tubes, strong flexible spars.
B-Grain sheet balsa has some of the qualities of both type A and type C. Grain lines are pxbkctbsd shorter than type A, and it feels stiffer across the sheet. It is a general purpose sheet and can be used for many jobs. Sometimes called “random cut”.
Use for flat fuselage sides, trailing edges, wing ribs, formers, planking gradual curves, wing leading edge sheeting in model aircraft.
C-Grain sheet balsa has a beautiful mottled appearance. It is very stiff across the sheet and splits easily. But when used properly, it helps to build the lightest strongest models. Most warp resistant type. Sometimes called “quarter grain”.
Use for sheeting balsa and foam wings and tails, flat fuselage sides, wing ribs, formers, trailing edges in model aircraft.
Article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Balsa wood is one of the unique materials

For example, it can be used in aircraft and boat industries for its lightweight and soft characteristics. As you may know that, balsa was used as the raw material of the Havilland Mosquito aircraft. It also can be used in boat industry actually, since the end-grain balsa sandwiched between fiberglass layers can provide strength and flexibility while it reduces weight to a minimum. It can be used to make the deck of boat and so forth.
What's more, it is mainly used for model building. It can be the selected material for the modle industry actually. Well, the balsa wood is graded according to how it is cut from log which may affect its properties. As we have introduced above, it can be classified into A, B and C grains. A grain has the best bending properties. And C grain offers stiffness. B is between A and C actually.
Balsa wood is one of the unique materials that is soft, lightweight and has high strength. It can be used to make models like model balsa wood towers for home use actually. There are different kinds of balsa grades actually, and you should choose if in accordance with your specific requirements and your budget ability. Frankly speaking, the balsa wood is very expensive. So, when choosing it, you are advised to be carefully.
In order to make your balsa wood tower, you may need some things like balsa wood sheet, pen, grid paper, ruler, marker, utility knife and wood glue. You should ensure that there is no any gap at joints sicne the gaps between pieces of wood will turn into weaknesses. And cleaner cuts and gluing can make a better hold actually. A few attempts will be required before your tower is perfect actually.
First of all, you should draw your expected balsa wood tower using the grid paper to give you a scale. You should design the exterior structure firstly. Start with the base of your structure, and make it wider to keep the center of gravity low. You should keep some reference photos or design pictures at hand if you are making a model of an existing tower. You should give the front, side and three-quarters-rotation view to the design you like actually.
Second, you should figure out how the forces will push or pull on the tower by using the diagram. You should try your best to imagine how it will stress the various parts of the tower actually.
article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/.



HOW ARE BALSA TREES HARVESTED? While nature intended the balsa tree to be a short lived nursemaid, mankind eventually discovered that it was an extremely useful resource. The real start of the balsa business was during World War I, when the allies were in need of a plentiful substitute for cork.
The only draw back to using balsa was, and still is, the back breaking work that is necessary to get it out of the jungle. Because of the way the individual balsa trees are scattered throughout the jungles, it has never been possible to use mass production logging procedures and equipment. The best way to log balsa trees is to go back to the methods of Paul Bunyan - chop them down with an axe, haul them to the nearest river by ox team, tie them together into gdjlhqgnvz rafts, and then float the raft of balsa logs down the river to the saw mill.
The logging team usually consists of two native Ecquadorians, each armed with a broad Spanish axe, a machete, and a long pole sharpened like a chisel on one end for removing the bark from the downed trees. Because of the hilly terrain, an ox team may only be able to drag two logs to the river per day. At the saw mill, the balsa is first rough cut into large boards, then carefully kiln dried, and finally packed into bales for shipment to the U.S. via ocean freighter.
Final cutting and finishing of our model aircraft balsa is done right here at the SIG factory. As a result of the balsa tree's fast growth cycle, both the quality and lightness of the lumber obtained from a balsa tree can vary enormously depending upon the tree's age at the time of cutting.
article resource: http://www.balsafactory.com/ .



THE PERFECT NURSE! Nature evidently designed the balsa tree to be a "nurse tree" which would protect the slower-growing species of trees from the scorching jungle sun during their critical early years. For instance, in an area of the jungle that has been ravaged by a tropical axtmdjbfzx storm or other natural disaster, the balsa trees will quickly sprout and beginning to shoot up to impressive heights in a very short time.Their fast growth, and the extra large leaves they have in their early years, provide shade to the young seedlings of the slower-growing forest giants. By the time the seedlings are established enough to take care of themselves, the balsa tree is beginning to die. Undoubtably, the balsa tree's rapid growth, fast spreading crown of first very large and gradually smaller leaves, and it's relatively short life span were intended to make it the "perfect nurse" in the jungle ecosystem.
HOW DOES BALSA WOOD GROW? There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. They grow singly or in very small, widely scattered groups in the jungle. For hundreds of years, balsa was actually considered a weed tree. They reproduce by growing hundreds of long seed pods, which eventually open up and, with the help of the wind, scatter thousands of new seeds over a large area of the jungle. Each seed is airborne on its own small wisp of down, similar to the way dandelion seeds spread. The seeds eventually fall to the ground and are covered by the litter of the jungle. There they lay and accumulate until one day there is an opening in the jungle canopy large enough for the sun's rays to strike the jungle floor and start the seeds growing. Wherever there was an opening, made either by a farmer or by another tree dying, balsa will spring up as thick as grass. A farmer is often hard put to keep his food plot clear of balsa. As the new balsa trees grow, the strongest will become predominate and the weaker trees will die. By the time they are mature, there may be only one or two balsa trees to an acre of jungle.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE A BALSA TREE TO GROW? Balsa trees grow very rapidly (like all pesky trees). Six months after germination, the tree is about 1-1/2 inches in diameter and 10 - 12 feet tall! In 6 to 10 years, the tree is ready for cutting, having reached a height of 60 to 90 feet tall and a diameter of 12 to 45 inches. If left to continue growing, the new wood being grown on the outside layers becomes very hard and the tree begins to rot in the center. Unharvested, a balsa tree may grow to a diameter of 6 feet or more, but very little usable lumber can be obtained from a tree of this size. The balsa leaf is similar in shape to a grape leaf, only a lot bigger. When the tree is young, these leaves measure as much as 4 feet across. They become progressively smaller as the tree grows older, until they are about 8 - 10 inches across. Balsa is one of the few trees in the jungle which has a simple leaf shape. This fact alone makes the balsa tree stand out in the jungle.


The advantages of building the balsa wood plane

Building a plane from balsa wood has its advantages over plastic. The nearly feather-weight quality of balsa wood means that an airplane constructed from it can actually fly, as opposed to acting simply as a display model. Balsa wood planes are constructed from raw, unshaped pieces of wood, rather than molded, prefabricated synthetic materials. As a result, building a balsa wood airplane can be more time-consuming than constructing a plastic model, but the time spent in pursuit of the balsa wood version will be repaid with functionality.
Cut and remove all of the pieces from the balsa wood sheets in your kit. Many kits print the outline of the necessary pieces on the included balsa wood sheets. Some kits come pre-cut, but most will require you to cut the pieces yourself.
Cut the appropriate notches in each piece.
Prepare your work surface. Place the template or plans that came with your kit over a large piece of cardboard or cork sheet, then spread wax paper over the template (wax paper will prevent any glued pieces from sticking to the paper plans and destroying them). Hold the three materials (plans, cardboard, and wax paper) together by placing straight pins through each layer.
Assemble the airplane's major components (fuselage, wings, tail pieces); each of these axtmdjbfzzc will be constructed separately. Pin the strips of balsa wood along the spots indicated on the template. Once you have secured each of these strips you can begin to glue the notched rib pieces to the strips. Apply a dot of wood glue to each notch, then gently place the rib over its indicated location on the template, nudging each strip into its corresponding notch as you go along. Let each section dry thoroughly before removing it to begin constructing a new section.
Cover the airplane's surfaces with tissue paper. Each of the plane's major components should be covered separately. Moisten the segment of tissue paper to be applied with a spray bottle or damp cloth. Lightly coat every exposed wood surface in the section you'll be covering with white school glue, then carefully lay the moistened paper over the section. Once the tissue paper has dried completely it will have shrunk considerably, thus providing a tight "skin" over the frame. Trim away any excess paper.
Attach all of the airplane's covered, trimmed pieces. Use wood glue to attach all of the constructed pieces at the points designated in the kit's instructions. Once the glue has dried, the plane is ready for flight.
Tips & Warnings
If the balsa wood plane that you're building will have a rubber band-powered motor, follow the directions that came with the kit to install that system during assembly. Let the glue from each section's construction dry fully before attempting to remove it from the work-surface. This will prevent any warping or irreparable damage to the frame. When covering the plane with tissue paper, the material should be very moist but not soaked.
You should not ingest wood glues, as most of them are toxic. Additionally, avoid breathing in the fumes from these glues. Severe scarring of the lungs and sinuses can result from prolonged exposure to the vapors. Take caution when handling and working with razor knives.For more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Balsa wood planes often fly farther than one might think

balsa wood airplanes originally were manufactured in by Nu Craft Toys. That company eventually became the Paul K. Guillow Co., named for its owner, and now is part of BrandlandUSA's Nifty Science Brands, which includes Estes Rockets and Revell Models, as well as Chemcraft and Gilbert chemistry sets. Many children have played with balsa wood airplanes over the years. They are easy to assemble, easy to use, and they make a safe backyard toy that all ages can enjoy.
Use scissors to open the plastic bag containing the balsa wood airplane. The plane's parts are kxiugtka fragile and trying to tear open the bag often results in broken pieces.
Follow the simple instructions and assemble the plane. It should take no more than a couple of minutes.
Go to an open space you can use as your flight area. Remember that trees can be very hazardous to a balsa wood airplane, as well as cement. A clear backyard or an open field works best.
Wind the rubber band, which powers the balsa wood airplane, as tightly as possible.
Aim the plane slightly upward and in the direction you want it to fly, and let it go.
Tips & Warnings
Balsa wood planes often fly farther than one might think, so keep this in mind when choosing a trajectory.
We all know that balsa wood is the best wood for our models. but where to get those quality balsa  with reasonable price. Here i highly recommend you a professional online store for the website is http://www.balsafactory.com/.


eight interesting facts regarding balsa wood

Even full scale fighter aircraft such as the World War II de Havilland Mosquito included balsa wood in their manufacture, to conserve scarce metal resources. It is little wonder that so many types of model planes use balsa wood as their primary construction material.
Following are eight interesting facts regarding balsa wood:
Balsa Fact 1: Balsa trees are native to Central and South America. Ecuador produces over 95 percent of the world's supply of commercial balsa wood. Slightly over half of Ecuador's balsa production comes from plantations with up to 1,000 trees per hectare, as compared to around 2 to 3 trees in this same area in nature.
Balsa Fact 2: Balsa trees grow rapidly, gaining heights of up to 90 feet and a diameter of 12 to 45 inches within ten years. The speed of growth is the main reason for the lightness of the wood.
Balsa Fact 3: The secret to balsa's light weight has to do with its cellular structure. Only around 40 percent of balsa is solid material. The remaining internal portion is water.
Balsa Fact 4: Balsa wood that is harvested from nature contains five times as much water by weight when compared to the actual wood materials. Most hardwoods contain very small portions of water as part of their makeup. Green balsa wood undergoes a rigorous two week kiln drying process to lower this excess water level to around 6 percent.
Balsa Fact 5: Finished balsa wood weights can vary for a variety of reasons. These include the age and size of the tree, location of the trunk cut and the kiln drying process. Commercial balsa wood used for model airplane construction typically weighs between 6 and 18 pounds per cubic foot. The most common weights available are between 8 to 12 pounds per cubic foot. Six pounds or less is considered contest grade wood.
Balsa Fact 6: Balsa is not the world's lightest wood. There are three to four wood varieties that muxtpvix weigh less. However, any wood lighter than balsa is exceptionally weak and completely unsuitable for model airplane construction.
Balsa Fact 7: Because the range of balsa wood densities can vary so much, a modeler must specify the types of balsa wood desired. Use the lightest grades possible for sections of your model that do not bear weight or require strength, such as nose cowls, fill-in and shaped wing tips. Select a heavier cut of wood for areas requiring strength such as wing spars, fuselage formers and stringers.
Balsa Fact 8: There are three types of balsa grain. A-Grain contains long grain lines, is flexible across the sheet and readily bends. A-Grain is ideal for sheeting fuselages and covering wing leading edges. As the A-Grain can easily warp, do not use this grade of balsa for solid sheet wings or tail surfaces.
More related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.