American basswood is a large and rapid-growing tree of eastern and central
North America. The tree frequently has two or more trunks and vigorously sprouts
from stumps as well as seed. American basswood is an important timber tree,
especially in the Great Lakes States. It is the northernmost basswood species.
The soft, light wood has many uses as wood products. The tree is also well known
as a honey or bee-tree, and the seeds and twigs are eaten by wildlife. It is
commonly planted as a shade tree in urban areas of the eastern states where it
is called American linden.For more if you interesed in the softwood balsa , you can take
information in our webiste.
The Silviculture of American Basswood
Basswood has relatively soft wood that works exceptionally well and is valued
for hand carving. The inner bark, or bast, can be used as a source of fiber for
making rope or for weaving such items as baskets and mats. Basswood flowers
qyexbictzs produce an abundance of nectar from which choice honey is made. In
fact, in some parts of its range basswood is known as the bee-tree. Throughout
the Eastern United States, basswood is frequently planted along city
The Range of American Basswood
American basswood ranges from southwestern New Brunswick and New England west
in Quebec and Ontario to the southeast corner of Manitoba; south through eastern
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas to northeastern Oklahoma; east
to northern Arkansas, Tennessee, western North Carolina; and northeast to New
American Basswood at Virginia Tech Dendrology
Leaf: Alternate, simple, ovate to cordate, 5 to 6 inches long, with serrate
margins, pinnately veined, base is unequally cordate, green above and paler
Twig: Moderately stout, zigzag, green (summer) or red (winter); terminal bud
is false, each very plump with one side bulging out disproportionately. Buds are
edible but very mucilaginous.
Fire Effects on American Basswood
"Fire wounding of basswood increases susceptibility to butt rot: of trees
with basal fire wounds, 100 percent of basswood stems had butt rot, resulting in
a cull rate of 39 percent."By the way , if you are looking for some wood to make
models you can take a look at end grain balsa in our
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